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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/someone-actually-created-a-developer-checklist-of-which-sdk's-to-use/
9/12/2014 8:00:42 AM
Someone Actually Created a Developer Checklist of Which SDK's To Use
SDK, checklist, Phunware, Fragmentation
App Developer Magazine
Someone Actually Created a Developer Checklist of Which SDKs To Use


Someone Actually Created a Developer Checklist of Which SDK's To Use

Friday, September 12, 2014

Richard Harris Richard Harris

Remember back in 2007 when mobile app development was easy? At least it seemed that way because there was only one platform (mainstream anyway) and few choices to actually code and publish an app with.

Today is another story. The tools available to developers grows daily, and sometimes it seems there are as many developer resources as there are apps in the app stores. This includes the wide variety of software development kits (SDKs), which if used properly, can contribute to a more user-friendly, engaging app and a better understanding of a user base.

To help provide insight into the types of SDKs that developers should consider using Vincent Montero, Mobile Marketing Manager at Phunware, has provided a checklist of the different types of SDKs and descriptions of their value to developers.

As he points out, fragmentation among devices and platforms creates roadblocks and workflow issues for developers, and using the right SDKs allows developers to be more strategic in achieving development speed and quality.

You can read the full article on the Phunware website.

Read more: http://www.phunware.com/business/choose-best-sdks-...

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